1.  Alas, their Kryptonite is aluminum foil, which makes one wonder how they could possibly stop crime in a school cafeteria or their own kitchen.

2.  But they did nothing to stop the crimes.

3.  Cavanaugh, the part-time mayor, started his unusual movement to stop crime by promoting good character around town.

4.  Critics say, however, that the current government has done too little to stop crimes against women and children.

5.  Experts like Adams say it is nearly impossible at the moment to stop crime or deter foreign sabotage on the chaotic, borderless electronic battlefield.

6.  Getting the community to work together should be top priority if we want to stop crime.

7.  He cites evidence from researchers indicating that criminals use firearms in crimes only one-third as often as U.S. gun owners use firearms to prevent or stop crimes.

8.  He criticized the Socialist government for not doing enough to stop crime, for failing to overhaul a troubled pension plan and for its handling of the economy.

9.  Morgan acknowledged that there is no direct measure of the effects on stopping crime.

10.  Now that you know someone has a key to stopping crime, maybe you know someone else who wants to be part of this remarkable project.

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